الخبرة العملية
Engineering technical support (University of New South Wales / Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (UNSW/AOARD)), Australia.
Design, manufacture and operate a special thermal system for a friendly working fluid to generate two-phase flow at USQ, Australia.
Design, manufacture, and operate a special thermal system for a flattened tube condensation two-phase flow system.
Design, manufacture, and operate a special thermal system for a flattened tube condensation two-phase flow.
Mechanical design, prepare design documentation and provide technical advice to the team.
Leadership / to maintain and repair refrigeration systems such as cold room and air dryers and Install the industrial refrigeration systems.
Design Cold room and Chilled water machine.
Team leader for the Air-conditioning and Refrigeration / Maintenance department in ADWAA company.
Technical and Engineering Support for using Creo Parametric and OneCNC software for the water jet CNC machine at USQ Australia.
Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society
Engineers Australia
Professional Engineers Australia