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المؤتمرات العلمية


Adomain and Adomain Pade' Technique for solving variable coefficient variant Boussinesq system

International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering ;ICOASE ;9-11 October 2018, Technically Sponsored by IEEE Iraq
Variable coefficient variant Boussinesq system was studied using Adomain and Adomain Pade' techniques were used to solve the system, numerical examples were given to find the accurate and efficient method for solving this type of equation.

Scientific Conferance between Kurdistan Universities and Spanish Universities

Scientific Conferance between Kurdistan Universities and Spanish Universities
Scientific conference on establishing the scientific communication between Kurdistan Universities and Spanish Universities, Spain, April 8-10,2013.

The Coexistence of fine foci of a polynomial system

Second Scientific Conference of University of Salahaddin, Erbil- Kurdistan Region of Iraq, March 23-25,1993.
The coexistence of fine foci of a certain polynomial system is studied and find the number of limit cycles that bifurcate simultaneously from different critical points of the system.
