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المؤتمرات العلمية


Study on optical and structural properties of TiO2 for different thickness prepared by spray pyrolysis

الموتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية الرافدين الجامعة
Thin films TiO2 prepared by thermal pyrolysis technique were examined for different thickness (75 to 375 step 75 nm). The results showed that the best transfer was 75 nm (89%), The allowable direct transfer calculation is equal to (3.4- 3.68 eV).

The Effect of Different Thickness on The Optical and Electrical Properties of TiO2 Thin Films

الموتمر العلمي الثالث لكلية الرافدين الجامعة
In the recent years TiO2 films are extensively studied because of their interesting chemical, optical and electrical properties. In the researcher work, TiO2 thin films have received great attention, because of having excellent photocatalytic and antibacterial properties when exposed to UV light (320 – 400 nm). TiO2 films spectra have maximum transmission at (900 nm) and exhibit high visible transmittance, up to 78 %, for 150 nm, which decreased slightly to 61.4 % for 450 nm. When wavelength decreases the absorptance will increase. The absorption coefficient is increasing with thickness decreasing (the probability of occurrence direct transition). From the light scattering effect for its high surface roughness the formation stage of anatase was appear with increase in grain size and density of layers. The refractive index increases with thickness increasing, and then the enhancement of growth crystalline. It have found a wide range of applications in various fields like photocatalysis, antibacterial and protective coatings, antireflecting coatings, , etc.
