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البحوث العلمية


الأفعال الكلامية الإنكارية في سورة الأعراف

مجلة جامعة زاخو (القضية : 3) (الحجم : 10)
Denial Speech Act in Surah Al-A'raf Abstract: Speech acts are utterances serving an important function in communication. In other words, they deal with denotative (the direct or literary meaning of the words) and Connotative (indirect or nonliterary meaning of the words). The different functions that speech acts perform varies according to the context and speaker’s intentions. The present study is an attempt to connect the Holy Quran with modern linguistic studies through Surah Al- A'raf, which is considered the most comprehensive surah in performing denial speech acts, including purposes, meanings, and warning the unbelievers about the bad consequences they take in this world and hereafter. The denial speech acts in this Surah show the insistence of denying and refusing the prophets by their people. Moreover, it focused on the different communicative and scientific aspects in the Holy Quran. Keywords: Speech acts, performance, Surah Al-Araf.

الأفعال الكلامية التعجبية في القرآن الكريم (سورة آل عمران أنموذجاً)

مجلة جامعة دهوك (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 25)
Abstract Exclamatory verbal verbs in the Noble Qur'an, Surat Ali-Imran as a model This deliberative research forms the focus of linguistic studies in extracting exclamatory speech verbs, and showing their executing power in determining the context and position, and the conditions of speech production in terms of the impact dimension, and the overall semantic purposes and intentions as this research is based on a scientific idea, in connecting (verbal verbs), though the metaphorical (exclamatory) meaning in Surat Al-Imran; Because of its prominent and effective role in revealing the functions of communicative and interactive language. And because of its intentions and suggestive dimensions in fighting the ungrateful polytheists and denying them. It is the one who compiled the Surahs of the Noble Qur'an in describing and depicting and depicting the conditions and classes of those whom God chose from Abraham and the family of Imran; To make it clear to the people from the beginning that God chose Jesus from the family of Imran and his mother, is nothing but like choosing the other whom He chose, and that what appeared at the hands of Jesus from the supernatural and marvelous customs which they take as evidence of his divinity or his prophethood or God's inclusion in him, was only one of the effects of honoring Which was carried out by the year of God in the chosen ones of the prophets and messengers. The study done on this subject includes an introduction and two chapters. The first of them is like the theoretical side, and the second chapter: represents the practical side, that is: the analytical side of the study, in addition to the appendix of the verbal verbs (exclamatory) and then a list of sources and references. And then we followed it all with a modest end, in which we stood on the important results of the our study.

التوبيخ أنماطه وأشكاله في القرآن الكريم - سورة البقرة - أنموذجاً

آداب الرافدين (القضية : 85) (الحجم : 1)

القصدية التداولية في القرآن الكريم سورة الأنعام أنموذجاً

مجلة أبحاث (القضية : 2) (الحجم : 1)
