The structure of poetic text from the perspective of archeology
2021-06 (القضية : 16) (الحجم : 2)
According to Michel Foucault, archeology is an in-depth research into the facts or
historical documents that depicted the alienation of the human self with the coercive
character of this group, which makes it irreconcilable with itself. This understanding
led man to a different reading of the poetic text, whether using contemporary
research tools or by recalling the flexibility of mind in order to understand the open
dimensions of poetic text, this approach leads to another reading of the text based
on research into the depths of the text and the dismantling of its components in
order to avoid imitation in the analysis of the text.
Therefore, this research deals with the concept of archeology in the poem "Quf lil
Teftish- Stop for Inspection" by the poet Muayad Tayeb, which he included in one
of his poetic works for the purpose of extracting its historical and cultural structure.
Keywords: Archeology, poetic text, Muayed Tayeb, Michel Foucault, the structure
of poetry
Discourse structure and diversity of the references in a Selected texts
j uoz (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 7)
Structurally, the text depends on complex and effective linguistic and semantic structures. In the
past, comparative studies uncovered the contents of the text leaving the artistic side, but with the
transmission of the structural ideas to both comparative and literary fields, it become clear that the
text or the statement can be analyzed in isolation from the social and historical environment. Thus,
emerged the theory of immanence by Hilmsliff and before him the theory of Semiosis by Charles
Sanders Peirce. According to their theories , the sign indicates another sign and then the sign
indicated by the first indicates to the third and so indications continue on this way provided that
they are consistent with the content of the statement,This research is an attempt to show the extent
to which these terms overlap with the texts of the discourse and their inconsistency with those
texts, because they contain guidance towards the abstraction of the particles and the approach to
the totality with the dimensions of the relationship between the text and its constituent environment
and thus a presence parallel to the real existence of the statement in particles. In this context, the
research will attempt to find the relationship between the text and its comparative reference
contexts, because it takes into consideration the orientation of the recipient, which in turn is an
engine for understanding the references of the text. Thus this study concluded with this results.
Keywords: Statement, Text, Reference, Language, Indication.
Textual Writing and the Authority of Intertextuality
j uoz (القضية : 4) (الحجم : 6)
Intertextuality is mainly an existence, transformation, the embodiment of an ancient and a modern
text to the inside of a modern complex text. The ancient texts become the hidden and shown parts
in the basic modern text. This study attempts to give importance to the knowledge of how to write
the text and the impact of Intertextuality on the action of construction as well as working on the
the intertextuality; it also shows the stages of writing the text and of the way of how to compose
each stage. Finally, the study is concluded with having several results and conclusions.
Keywords: Text, Intertextuality, how to Write, and Steps.
دووباره كرن و كارتيكرنا وئ دهوزانيَن سةلمان كوفليدا
j uoz (القضية : 2) (الحجم : 2)
Complex phenomenon of repetition stylistic connotations, suggestions deep,
hardly confine their meaning, so it was this research is an attempt to clarify this
phenomenon and follow-up in the poetry (Salman covly). At first, we stopped on
the concept of redundancy in terms of idiomatic language and then we stopped
at different critics and contrast their views, and then when some types of
repetition (at the level of repetition of sounds and words and phrases and then to
repeat the moral connotations) in the hair.
ئيستاتيكا هافيبوونى د رومانا مريى حةرامدا يا نفيسةر بافئ نازئ