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البحوث العلمية


پێکهاتا پەیڤێن لێکڕشتی د فەرهەنگا(قازی) دا

گۆڤارا زانکۆیا زاخۆ (القضية : 12) (الحجم : 2)
وختە: د زمانیدا گەلەک ڕێک هەنە بۆ دەولەمەندکرنا فەرهەنگا زمانی و ئێک ژ ئەوان ڕێکان، ڕێکا لێکڕشتتتتتتتنێیەێ پەی ێن لێکڕشتتتتتتتی کو دبنە د بن ئەێێ ڕێکێ ە، تا نهۆ د گۆێەرا بەهدینییا زمانێ کوردیدا گەلەک ێەکۆلین لستتتتتتەر نەهاتینە ئەنجامدان، هەربەندە هندەک ڕێزمان ان و زمان ان ب پەی ا ئالۆز یان تێکەل ناێدکەن، بەلێ باشتتتترە ب پەی ا لێکڕشتتتتی بهێتە هژمارتن، ژبەرکو ژ ئەنجامێ هەردوو ڕێکێن لێکدان و داڕشتنێ دروست دبنێ بابەتێ ێەکۆلینێ لژێر ناێونیشانێ ))پێکهاتا پەیڤێن لێکڕشتتتتتتتی د فەرهەنگا )قازی( دا((یە. ئەڤ فەرهەنگە فەرهەنگەکا دوو زمانییە، ئانکو )کوردی- عەرەبی( و )عەرەبی-کوردی( یە و تێدا ێەکۆلەر دێ هەوڵدەت پێکهاتا پەی ێن لێکڕشتتتتتتی ئەوێن کو د پشتتتتتکا)کوردی- عەرەبی( یا فەرهەنگا)قازی( دا هاتین، ب ڕێکا یاستتتتتتایان بدەتە دیارکرنێ ێەکۆلین لدویڤ ڕێبازا وەستتتتتت ی و ڕێبازا ئاماری هاتییە ئەنجامدانێ ئارمانجا ستەرەکییا ئەێێ ێەکۆلینێ دیارکرنا یاستایێن پێکهینانا ئەوان پەی ێن لێکڕشتتییە ئەوێن کو د فەرهەنگێدا هاتین، ئەێە ژ الیەکی ە و دیارکرنا ڕێژەیا یاستتایێن ئەوان پەی ان ژ الیەکێ دیترێە، ب شتتێوەیەکێ دیتر ێەکۆلەر دێ ستتتتەلمینیت کا هەر یاستتتتایەک بەند پەی ێن لێکڕشتتتتتییێن کو د فەرهەنگێدا هاتین، ب ۆێەدگریت و )ڕێژەیا ستەدی( یا هەر یاستایەکێ دێ هێتە دیارکرنێ ئاریشتەیا ستەرەکییا ێەکۆلینێ ئەوە کو تا نهۆ ل ژێر ناێونیشتانێ ێەکۆلینێ یاسا بۆ پەی ێن لێکڕشتی ل دویڤ هزرا مۆرفیمێ نەهاتینە داڕشتنێ پەیڤێن کلیلی: پەی ا لێکڕشتی، داڕشتن، ڕێژەیا سەدی، فەرهەنگا قازی، لێکدانێ

هەڤالکار ژ لایێ پێکهاتنێڤە د زمانێ کوردی (گۆڤەرا بەهدینی) و زمانێ تورکییێ ستاندەرددا

گۆڤارا زانکۆیا زاخۆ (القضية : 10) (الحجم : 4)
ثؤختة: هةظالكار ئيَك ذ ئةوان بابةتاية يىَ كو طرنطييةكا زؤر د رِيَزمانا زمانيدا هة ية ، ب هاريكارييا ئةوى، مةبةستتتتتا ئاخةتنكةرى ب شتيَوةيةكىَ باشتز و زةدلز دطةهيت. د ئةظىَ ظةكؤلينيَدا هةولَ دىَ هيَتة دان كو هةظالكار ذ ديىَ ثيَكهاتنيَظة ب رِيَكا مؤرفيمان د زمانىَ كوردى ) طؤظةرا بةهدينى( و زمانىَ توركييىَ ستاندةرددا بهيَتة دياركرن. وةكو ديار، زمانىَ كوردى و زمانىَ توركى ستةر ب دووخيَزانيَ زمانيييَ ذ هةظجودانة، ىلَ ستةرةرِاى هندىَ هندة ديةنيَ وةكهةظ د هندة بابةتيَ رِيَزمانا هةردوو زماناندا هةنة، ئيَك ذ ئةوان بابةتان، بابةتىَ هةظالكار ذ ديىَ ثيَكهاتنيَظةية. رِيَبازا كو دىَ بؤ ئةجنامدانا ئةظىَ ظةكؤليينَ بكارهيَت، رِيَبازاوةسةى–هةمبةريية. طرنطييا ئةظىَ ظةكؤلينى د ئةوىَ ضةنديَداية، كو ديةنيَ وةكهةظ و جودا ب منوونةييَ جؤراوجؤر د هةردوو زماناندا بهيَنة دياركرن. ئارماجناستتتةرةكييا ئةظىَ ظةكؤلينى،َ دياركرنا ئةوان خاليَ وةكهةظ و جوداية ئةويَ د بابةتىَ هةظالكار ذ ديىَ ثيَكهاتنيَظة د زمانىَ كوردى )طؤظةرا بةهدينى( و زمانىَ توركييىَ ستاندةرددا دهيَنة دينت. ثةيظيَن سةرةكى: هةظالكار ، هةظالكاريَ سادة، هةظالكاريَ دارشتى،هةظالكاريَ ليَكدايى، زمانىَ كوردى، زمانىَ توركى.

The Comparison and Organization of the Elements of Noun Phrase in Kurdish and Turkish Language

Journal of university of Nawroz
Abstract The Comparison and Organization of the Elements of Noun Phrase in Kurdish and Turkish Language One of the most important topics in linguistics is the comparison between two or more languages, so in comparative studies there are always similar points or characteristics to be identified. Nevertheless, each language has its special features. Thus, in this study, the researcher stresses upon the elements of the noun phrase in both Kurdish and Turkish language, despite the fact that both Kurdish and Turkishdiffer from each other in many aspects. Nonetheless the two languages share similar and different features when it comes to the study of noun phrases. The method that this research relies upon is `The Comparative and Descriptive Method`. The importance of this study lies within pinpointing similar as well as different elements of the noun phrase as they have been organized and categorized in each language. The study also sheds light on the reasons behind the differences and similarities of the noun phrases and what elements have constructed them? The other important point about this study is showing the determiners while organizing the noun phrase, as well as showing when the head comes before the determiner, or when the determiner comes the after the noun in both languages. Keywords: Comparison, organizing elements, noun phrase, noun head, determiner.

Passive voice between Middle Eastern Kurdish Dialect and Standard Turkish Language

KUJHSS (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 2)
Summary: The current research study is tackling the (passive voice between Middle Eastern Kurdish Dialect and Standard Turkish Language) relating to both past and present tenses of informative mood. There are only four types of past tenses in the Middle Eastern Kurdish dialect, but apart from these four types of past tenses there are five more typesin the standard Turkish language such as (present tense referring to past action, story in the present tense, novel in the present tense, novel in the present continuous tense, and novel in the future tense. On the other hand, the present tense in the Middle Eastern Kurdish language has only one type, while in the standard Turkish language, there are three types such as (present simple, present continuous, and future tense).Therefore, the agreement between both languages regarding the two main tenses (past and present tenses) has a major role in the basic structure of the passive voice. The major aim of this research study is that it is an applied study which demonstrates all uses of passive voice on one hand. On the other hand, this study is also important to any researcher who works in the field of linguistics and conducts comparative studies between these two languages.

Passive voice between Middle Eastern Kurdish Dialect and Standard Turkish Language

JHUOZ (القضية : 3) (الحجم : 6)
Summary: The current research study is tackling the (passive voice between Middle Eastern Kurdish Dialect and Standard Turkish Language) relating to both past and present tenses of informative mood. There are only four types of past tenses in the Middle Eastern Kurdish dialect, but apart from these four types of past tenses there are five more typesin the standard Turkish language such as (present tense referring to past action, story in the present tense, novel in the present tense, novel in the present continuous tense, and novel in the future tense. On the other hand, the present tense in the Middle Eastern Kurdish language has only one type, while in the standard Turkish language, there are three types such as (present simple, present continuous, and future tense).Therefore, the agreement between both languages regarding the two main tenses (past and present tenses) has a major role in the basic structure of the passive voice. The major aim of this research study is that it is an applied study which demonstrates all uses of passive voice on one hand. On the other hand, this study is also important to any researcher who works in the field of linguistics and conducts comparative studies between these two languages.
