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البحوث العلمية


الاستقواء في مكان العمل واثره في تعزيز الاحتراق الوظيفي لدى العاملين

hjuoz (القضية : 4) (الحجم : 9)
This research seeks to determine the role of the dimensions of bullying in the workplace in promoting job burnout among employees. The University of Zakho was chosen as a field for implementing the practical side. The research was based on a set of main and sub-hypotheses, which were field-tested on (72) of the researched employees. The data was collected through a questionnaire form prepared for this purpose, depending on the analytical and statistical methods available in the (SPSS V.24) program to analyze the correlation and influence between the research variables. The research outcome was to reach to several conclusions, the most important of which was the existence of a positive moral correlation for the independent variable represented by bullying in the workplace and the dependent variable represented by job burnout, as well as the presence of a significant effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. In light of the conclusions reached, the two researchers presented a set of suggestions, the most important of which is the necessity of ensuring the provision of a supportive and positive organizational climate at work by providing supportive and effective leadership that places employees among its most important priorities.

Visual Management Strategies and Their role in achieving Dimensions of Sustainable Competetive Advantages

Nawroz Journal (القضية : 3) (الحجم : 11)
This research aims to demonstrate the role of visual management strategies in achieving sustainable competitive advantage, and a mineral water production companies in the Dohuk governorate were chosen as a field for conducting the practical side of this research. A set of analytical and statistical methods were applied on 118 members of a number of selected companies. The (SPSSV.25) program was used to analyze the data that were collected through the questionnaire form which was prepared for this purpose. The research reached several findings, the most important of which is the existence of a positive significant correlation between the independent variable represented by the visual management strategies and the approved variable represented in sustainable competitive advantage, as well as a significant effect of visual management strategies on sustainable competitive advantage. As a result of the research findings a number of suggestions were formulated, the most important of which is the need to enhance and maintain the availability of high levels of visual management strategies and harness them to enhance the ability to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, and to move away as much as possible About Temporary Competitive Advantages and Investment in Advantages Strategic and sustainable competitiveness.

دور أبعاد املقدرات اجلوهرية يف التوجه حنو األعمال الدولية "دراسة حتليلية يف عينة من الشركات العاملة يف جمال خدمات السفر والطريان يف حمافظة دهوك"

مجلة العلوم االنسانیة لجامعة زاخو (القضية : 8) (الحجم : 3)
يهدف هذا البحث إىل حتديد دور أبعاد املقدرات اجلوهرية يف التوجه حنو األعمال الدولية، ومت حتديد قطاع السفر والطريان ميداناً إلجراء اجلانب العملي، واستند البحث على جمموعة من الفرضيات الرئيسية والفرعية اليت اختربت ميدانياً على )47 )شركة خمتصة بالسفر والطريان يف حمافظة دهوك، ومشل البحث )109 )من العاملني يف الشركات املبحوثة، ومت مجع البيانات باالعتماد على استمارة االستبانة اعدت هلذا الغرض، وجرى حتليل البيانات باستخدام جمموعة من األساليب اإلحصائية يف برنامج )22.V SPSS )لتحليل عالقة االرتباط والتأثري بني متغريات البحث. وكانت حصيلة البحث التوصل إىل عدد من االستنتاجات أهما وجود عالقة ارتباط معنوية موجبة بني أبعاد املقدرات اجلوهرية واألعمال الدولية، وكلك وجود تأثري معنوي ألبعاد املقدرات اجلوهرية يف األعمال الدولية، ويف ضوء االستنتاجات، متت صياغة عدد من املقرتحات أهمها ضرورة تعزيز واحملافظة على توافر املستويات العالية من أبعاد املقدرات اجلوهرية وتسخريها مبا يعزز القدرة يف التوجه حنو األعمال الدولية
