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البحوث العلمية


Morphological and molecular identification of endophytic Alternaria species associated with two Quercus species from a mountainous area of Iraq

Acta Agrobotanica
The diverse genus Alternaria encompasses fungi with various lifestyles, including pathogenic, saprophytic, and endophytic species. Inspection of the endophytes of two oak plant species (Quercus aegilops and Q. infectoria) from the mountainous area of Duhok province of the Kurdistan region of Iraq resulted in the isolation of seven Alternaria species. These include A. alternata, A. angustiovoidea, A. consortiales, A. doliconidium, A. malorun, A. sorghi, and A. tenuissima. Of these, A. angustiovoidea, A. doliconidium, A. malorun, and A. sorghi were recorded for the first time in Iraq. The seven Alternaria species were also reported for the first time as endophytes on the two Quercus species. The identification of these strains was based on DNA sequencing information utilizing the ITS and LSU genetic markers and morphological characteristics, including details of colony growth, conidial characteristics, and reproductive structures. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis was conducted to establish the evolutionary relationships among these Alternaria isolates. This investigation gives a basis for the understanding of the distribution of endophytic fungi associated with forest trees in the country.

First Report of Biscogniauxis mediterranae As Endophytic Fungi Associated with Quercus infectoria from A Mountainous Area In Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences
Endophytic fungi develop symbiotic connections with their hosts in which they live within plant tissues without causing harm Between 2019 and 2020, thirty samples of Quercus infectoria were collected from various locations in the Duhok province, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Iraq to investigate the presence of endophytic fungus. Different parts of the oak tree (Quercus infectoria), such as the leaf, bud, seed, cork, and lateral branches, were used to isolate the fungal endophytes. Endophytic fungi form symbiotic relationships with their hosts, living within plant tissues without causing harm. A type of xylariaceous fungus called Biscogniauxia mediterranea (B. mediterranea) was isolated from Quercus infectoria (Q. infectoria) in the Duhok area. Molecular and morphological methods were used for identification. Our study represents the first report of B.mediterranea in Iraq and the first isolation as an endophyte from the Q.infectoria plant in the region. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated the genetic relationship of the Iraqi isolates with strains from different geographic locations. Macrogen Business, a South Korean corporation, conducted bidirectional sequencing on the polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) data. Using BioEdit software, the acquired sequences were edited and assembled, and a consensus sequence was generated for each sample. The sequences underwent Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis for the identification of endophytic fungus. The homology of the sequences with reported sequences from other countries ranged from 97.55% to 99.89% as per the National Center for Biotechnology Information's (NCBI) record.

Incidence of pdychrotrophs bacteria with potential public health implications in ice cream sold in Zakho markets

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (القضية : 10) (الحجم : 5)
Foodborne illness are caused by the consumption of food that is contaminated with either bacteria or their toxin and the most common causes are psychotropic bacteria which cause major puplic health problem. The aim was to detect and enumerate pathogenic bacteria in locally made ice cream.

Two New Records of Chaetomium Species Isolated From Soil under Grapevine Plantations and a Checklist of the Genus in Iraq

Journal of Agricultural Technology (القضية : 7) (الحجم : 11)
During the course of study soil micro fungi from grapevine plantations in Iraq, two species of Chaetomium were reported for the first time in Iraq. These include C.longicolleum and C.madrasense.Brief description and photographic plates are provided for the newly recorded species.

Two New Records of Chaetomium Species Isolated From Soil under Grapevine Plantations and a Checklist of the Genus in Iraq

Journal of Agricultural Technology (القضية : 7) (الحجم : 11)
During the course of study soil micro fungi from grapevine plantations in Iraq, two species of Chaetomium were reported for the first time in Iraq. These include C.longicolleum and C.madrasense.Brief description and photographic plates are provided for the newly recorded species.
