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Design a Clustering Document based Semantic Similarity System using TFIDF and K-Mean

2021 4th International Iraqi Conference on Engineering Technology and Their Applications (IICETA)
Abstract: The continuing success of the Internet has led to an enormous rise in the volume of electronic text records. The strategies for grouping these records into coherent groups are increasingly important. Traditional text clustering methods are focused on statistical characteristics, with a syntactic rather than semantical concept used to do clustering. A new approach for collecting documentation based on textual similarities is presented in this paper. The method is accomplished by defining, tokenizing, and stopping text synopses from Wikipedia and IMDB datasets using the NLTK dictionary. Then, a vector space is created using TFIDF with the K-mean algorithm to carry out clustering. The results were shown as an interactive website.

Comprehensive Study of Moving from Grid and Cloud Computing Through Fog and Edge Computing towards Dew Computing

2021 4th International Iraqi Conference on Engineering Technology and Their Applications (IICETA)
Abstract: Dew Computing (DC) is a comparatively modern field with a wide range of applications. By examining how technological advances such as fog, edge and Dew computing, and distributed intelligence force us to reconsider traditional Cloud Computing (CC) to serve the Internet of Things. A new dew estimation theory is presented in this article. The revised definition is as follows: DC is a software and hardware cloud-based company. On-premises servers provide autonomy and collaborate with cloud networks. Dew Calculation aims to enhance the capabilities of on-premises and cloud-based applications. These categories can result in the development of new applications. In the world, there has been rapid growth in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), starting with Grid Computing (GC), CC, Fog Computing (FC), and the latest Edge Computing (EC) technology. DC technologies, infrastructure, and applications are described. We’ll go through the newest developments in fog networking, QoE, cloud at the edge, platforms, security, and privacy. The dew-cloud architecture is an option concerning the current client-server architecture, where two servers are located at opposite ends. In the absence of an Internet connection, a dew server helps users browse and track their details. Data are primarily stored as a local copy on the dew server that starts the Internet and is synchronized with the cloud master copy. The local dew pages, a local online version of the current website, can be browsed, read, written, or added to the users. Mapping between different Local Dew sites has been made possible using the dew domain name scheme and dew domain redirection.

Clustering Document based Semantic Similarity System using TFIDF and K-Mean

2021 International Conference on Advanced Computer Applications (ACA)
Abstract:The steady success of the Internet has led to an enormous rise in the volume of electronic text records. Sensitive tasks are increasingly being used to organize these materials in meaningful bundles. The standard clustering approach of documents was focused on statistical characteristics and clustering using the syntactic rather than semantic notion. This paper provides a new way to group documents based on textual similarities. Text synopses are found, identified, and stopped using the NLTK dictionary from Wikipedia and IMDB datasets. The next step is to build a vector space with TFIDF and cluster it using an algorithm K-mean. The results were obtained based on three proposed scenarios: 1) no treatment. 2) preprocessing without derivation, and 3) Derivative processing. The results showed that good similarity ratios were obtained for the internal evaluation when using (txt-sentoken data set) for all K values. In contrast, the best ratio was obtained with K = 20. In addition, as an external evaluation, purity measures were obtained and presented V measure of (txt). -sentoken) and the accuracy scale of (nltk-Reuter) gave the best results in three scenarios for K = 20 as subjective evaluation, the maximum time consumed with the first scenario (no preprocessing), and the minimum time recorded with the second scenario (excluding derivation).

Clustering Documents based on Semantic Similarity using HAC and K-Mean Algorithms

2020 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE)
The continuing success of the Internet has greatly increased the number of text documents in electronic formats. The techniques for grouping these documents into meaningful collections have become mission-critical. The traditional method of compiling documents based on statistical features and grouping did use syntactic rather than semantic. This article introduces a new method for grouping documents based on semantic similarity. This process is accomplished by identifying document summaries from Wikipedia and IMDB datasets, then deriving them using the NLTK dictionary. A vector space afterward is modeled with TFIDF, and the clustering is performed using the HAC and K-mean algorithms. The results are compared and visualized as an interactive webpage.
