2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering
2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering
Second International Conference of Natural Sciences (ICNS 2017)
Second International Conference of Natural Sciences (ICNS 2017)
Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a sensitive measure of sympathetic nervous
system activity. It is used to describe changes in the skin electrical properties. This
review aimed to show advantages of simultaneously recordings EDA parameters at the
same skin site over other recordings. The literature databases Science Web, Google
Scholar was searched using terms ‘electrodermal activity’, ‘sequentially recording’, ‘simultaneously
recording’, ‘skin conductance’, ‘skin potential’, and ‘skin susceptance’.
Articles that include sequentially and/or simultaneously recording EDA parameters
were analyzed. The review presents a description of the oldest and current methods
used for recording EDA parameters and an explanation of the newest techniques used
in EDA researches. Although sequentially recordings are predominant and wide spread,
much effort have been made to simultaneously record skin conductance (SC) and skin
potential (SP), and recently researchers realized capability of simultaneously recording
SC, SP, and skin susceptance (SS) at the same skin site. The advantage of simultaneous
over the sequence measurements is that the latter must be manually time realigned when
measured by different instruments which means time consuming. Although the simultaneous
measurements are used exclusively for research purposes at this stage, this may
open horizons in the modern trends of psychophysiology applications in the near future.