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Published Journal Articles


The Importance of Ideology in Shaping Children’s Cultural Values through Literature

International Journal Of English Literature and Social Sciences (Issue : 6) (Volume : 8)
This paper discusses the significance of ideology in shaping the cultural values of children through literature. Literature has the power to shape children's worldview and beliefs, and as such, it is crucial to understand the ideologies that underpin the books we offer to young readers. The paper emphasizes the need for critical examination of literature and the promotion of diverse and inclusive literature that accurately reflects the experiences of all individuals. It also highlights the responsibility of authors, publishers, educators, and parents in shaping the values and beliefs of future generations. The paper concludes that by promoting diverse and inclusive literature that encourages critical thinking and fosters empathy, we can help ensure that children grow up to be informed, engaged, and compassionate members of society. Keywords— Ideology, Children's Literature, Cultural Values, Children’s Development, Inclusivity, Critical Examination
