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کورد و وەرگرتنا پوستێ ویلایەتا قاهیرە ل سەردەمێ مەمالیکان

گوڤارا زانکویا دهوک (Volume : 2)
The Kurdish element was one of the prominent elements in the Mamluk state (648-923 AH / 1250-1517 AD), and they had an important role in managing the affairs of the state, and the position of governor was one of the most important positions in which the Kurds left a clear mark, noting that there were Kurdish figures who held the position of guardianship in the Ayyubid period, and that was the reason why some of them were competent and experienced in managing the position of guardianship in the Mamluk era. The research attempts to highlight the Kurdish figures who had a role in assuming the position of governor in the city of Cairo during the Bahri and Circassian Mamluk period, and to focus on the most important Kurdish figures who had an influence on political events, and the dependence of the Mamluk sultans on them in Cairo, especially in managing state affairs, and taking their consults, suggestions and experiences that helped to assume the position of governor, and the Kurdish tribe (Gorani) played a major and effective role in this position.
