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International SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDIES JOURNAL (Issue : 74) (Volume : 6)
Mosul, which holds an important place among the eastern provinces of the Ottoman State in terms of religion, politics and economy, is home to many ethnic minorities and religious groups. Mosul gained the status of an autonomous province in 1878 while it was a sanjak under Ottoman rule. It consists of Mosul, Imadiye, Sinjar, Zibar, Akra and Zaho districts. In this study, the public services administration in the Mosul Sanjak during the first constitutional period is discussed. In the study, first of all, the geographical features of Mosul are given and its importance is revealed. Afterwards, health, communication, planning, provision of municipal and transportation services provided by the state were discussed. After addressing the necessity of providing these services and making arrangements, the economic and social difficulties encountered during their implementation are also discussed. Keywords: Mosul, Ottoman Empire, Iraq, Public Administration


Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD) (Issue : 8) (Volume : 7)
Emîn Feyzî Bey, one of the names that is not known much today, is a hermit poet who served in the Ottoman army with the rank of Miralay. He is a poet accepted to Paris International History Society with his books of mathematics and philosophy other than poetry. In his autobiography, he states that his life passed with illness, possession, immigration and victimization. Emîn Feyzî Bey, who lived in the last period of the Ottoman Empire and worked in various military schools, is undoubtedly known with his poetry. Şuaât and İlâve-i Şuaât, which he wrote, made a name for himself in the literature community with his poetry books. Emîn Feyzî Bey, who wrote poems with a classical understanding, approached folk poetry in terms of language from time to time. This study, which aims to get to know and introduce it by starting from the poet’s book, İlâve-i Şuaât, which does not have much work on it, aims to contribute to the field. However, it also opens the door for studies on other works of the poet. It is important that the work we do with the work review method is a new first in the field. In the study, the poet’s life, his work named İlâve-i Şuaât and his language features were emphasized and his other works were briefly introduced.


Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (ASEAD) (Issue : 9) (Volume : 6)
II. Abdulhamid was the subject of discussion with both his person and his actions. Since his first day in office, he has always been the only sultan on the agenda. State policy drew attention with its variable structure and critical decisions. Abdulhamid II, who was the sultan during one of the most difficult periods of the Ottoman Empire, faced political, economic, military and social problem. During the reign of the Ottoman period, such as the constitutional model of government, the first attempts at constitutional serious innovations that affect the era belongs to his period. Many different studies have been done about Abdulhamid II. In this study, we tried to look at education in general and "tribal school" in particular. Abdulhamid II, who finds the old education memorized in terms of system, program and content and thinks that education should change, initiates a full educational mobilization. He tries to take education to every corner of the state. The sultan who strives for institutional and social change and transformation does not neglect to give the state a central structure. He strived to make Muslims the only nation. He also thought of doing this especially with education.


Abstract There are few studies on the history of places where have town status as an administrative unit although the studies about the history of the cities in the researches about Ottoman history have an important place in recent years. Due to the lack of study, we have limited information about many cities and towns that have historical significance. Some information and facts are ignored deliberately or indeliberately. One of these places, which is overlooked and not researched enough, is the Erbil City which is located in Northern Iraq geography which is still an important area. This study aims to explore the economic situation of the city during the Ottoman Empire period by reaching the sources in different languages related to Erbil. While considering the economy of the city, Erbil's agriculture, the territorial order, the effect of 1858 Land Law on Erbil, the application of tax-farming in Erbil, the Seniyye lands, the economic status of the people of Erbil, trade, industry and craftsmen groups have been examined. In the 19th century, the lands in Erbil are divided into two as state and foundation lands. The tax revenue from these lands was spent on the salaries of the soldiers involved in the Erbil town and the needs of the derwishes’ lodges. As it can be understood from the documents, the absence of any river and water resources in Erbil indicates that the agricultural production here is based only on rain water. When the production and trade capacity of the city is considered, it can be said that Erbil is not able to export any product other than grain and it is quite infertile at this point. In short, this study examines the economic situation of Erbil town at the time Ottomans.


Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Issue : 6) (Volume : 4)
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun son dönemlerinde ulaşım ve iletişim altyapısının iyileştirilmesine yönelik ciddi şekilde yatırımlar yapılmıştır. Bu yatırımlardan en önemlilerinden biri de Anadolu Demiryolu projesidir. Demiryolunun amacı İmparatorluğun birçok vilayet merkezini başkent İstanbul’a bağlamaktır. Demiryolunun en önemli aşamalarından biri de onun Ankara’ya kadar uzatılmasıdır. İlk önceleri İngilizlere ihale edilen İzmir ve çevresinde yapılan demiryolu döşemeleri daha sonrasında İstanbul’dan İç Anadolu’ya uzatılmıştır. Almanlara ihale edilen İstanbul-Ankara demiryolu projesi birçok engele rağmen başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Anadolu demiryolu hattının Ankara’ya ulaştırılma sürecinin dönemin önemli gazetelerinden olan Ankara Vilayet Gazetesi, Saadet Gazetesi, Tarik Gazetesi, Tercüman-ı Hakikat Gazetesi, Servet-i Fünun gazeteleri üzerinden yeniden keşfedilmesidir. Siyasi, iktisadi ve sosyal sonuçları olan bu proje sanılanın aksine ön çalışmaları yapılmış ve ayrıntılı bir şekilde planlanmıştır. Projeyi yakından takip eden dönemin gazetelerinde keşfedilen ayrıntılar proje henüz hayata geçirilmeden dahi üzerinde ciddi şekilde çalışıldığını ortaya koymaktadır.
