Published Journal Articles
RADIUS Authentication on Unifi Enterprise System Controller using Zero-Handoff Roaming in Wireless Communication
Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends (Issue : 1) (Volume : 3)
The demand for setting up a wireless LAN internet connectivity is almost mandatory for every commercial building, home, company, and educational institutions. With the growing number and height of buildings as well as the number of users, it has become essential to apply new techniques to provide better wireless network services, especially for security issue with many applications used by an attacker that can decrypt the traditional password to use network resources, that’s lead to poor network performance for providing network services for people authorized to use it. All of that is almost a very challenge issue when applying outdated techniques. In this research a wireless network has been created considering a large number of users in a multi-floor building using a new control system which can solve the problems by setting up RADIUS authentication via that wireless network with a webpage that automatically appears to the user immediately after connecting to the wireless radio signal and automatically gaining an IP address, lead user directly to the temporary page asking him for authentication, if the user has the right username and password or even sometimes a code called Voucher, he will get a package assigned to his priority. This technology will eliminate the vulnerability on the wireless connection and the unauthorized user will be discarded from the router, in addition of that authorized users will get authenticated to make better use of network resources.
A Tree Method for Managing Documents in Mongodb
Test Engineering & Management (Volume : 83)
Relational databases have a wide range of applications and use in many areas over the past decades. After the emergence of social networks, the increase in the number of users of these networks, the evolution of data types and relationships between records have formed the main reasons behind the need to represent and store data in a dynamic way. One of the best ways to handle big data is document-oriented databases. This approach is characterized by the absence of a design to represent entities, as each entity in the entity set may have different private information from other entities in the same set. For the users of the data, data is displayed and manipulated by an easy graphical user interface which with its functionality (such as adding, deleting, updating a record) are designed during and after the design of the database. The design of the end-user interface depends on the customer's requirements as well as the design of the database. In the case of document-oriented databases, there is no static database design. Each entity has its own embedded design. It is possible at any time to add new fields or change the data type for some fields, in addition to the possibility of deleting some fields from some documents. Therefore, the user interface designing process for document-oriented databases is difficult and requires deep intuition in addition to a continuous modification of the design. In this research, it is suggested to use the tree to represent and manipulate the information of each entity separate from that of other entities in the same collection. This method represents each field name and field value as a node. In addition to the fact that the embedded documents are represented in the form of an embedded tree, this method facilitates the representation and handling of any structure of the document. A document management tool has also been built on the proposed managing MongoDB documents.
Construct a Tool for Aspect-Oriented Analysis and Design Based on Theme Approach
AL-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences and Mathematics (Issue : 2) (Volume : 9)
In this research, a (RADC-AO) tool was constructed and implemented for the requirements analysis, design and stub-code generation according to aspect-oriented (AO) concepts based on theme approach. RADC-AO automatically identifies crosscutting concerns in natural language requirements text by using natural language processing (NLP), analyze requirements and apply a set of operations on themes got in the analysis process, design classes and aspects, draw class diagram, and generates stub-code. RADC-AO tested by input complete informal text requirements for payroll system (that contains security, logging, authorization, in addition to its core functionality which includes employees information entering, loans information entering, and payment calculation), RADC-AO successes in the test and gives good results.