ثةيوةندييا زمانىَ دايكىَ، نفشى و ذيى ب ضاثوكيييَن هزرا رِةخنةييظة ,The Relationship of Mother Tongue، Gender، and Age with Critical Thinking Skills
phonologcal and grammatical characteristics of the dialect of Zakho - The Relationship of Mother Tongue، Gender، and Age with Critical Thinking Skills
ثةيوةندييا ديسليَكسييا ب شارةزاييا فؤنؤلَوجييَظة لدةظ زارؤكان-Effect of dyslexia on phonological awareness in children-أثير عسر القراءة على الوعي الصوتي عند الأطفال
The Development of Critical Thinking Skills Among Students of University of Zakho Faculty of HumanitiesAccording to Gender and Mother Tongue Variables