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البحوث العلمية


Investigating Kurdish EFL Students’ Learning Styles at University Level

Koya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 4)
The present study aims at investigating the students’ learning styles in EFL classes at university level. Being aware of the students’ preferences and feedback concerning the way teachers teach and run their classes is important to ensure the success of the process of teaching and learning. Neglecting the students’ feedback and preferences in the class might affect the process of teaching and learning negatively. To avoid such a problem, the present study equips the teachers with a way to deal with different learning environments and class diversity. To achieve the aims of the study, a questionnaire of 20 items on the different learning preferences was designed by the researcher to collect data from 40 EFL seniors (23 males and 17 females) at University of Zakho during the academic year 2020-2021.The items included in the questionnaire are based on Fleming’s (2006) VARK model of learning styles with adaptation. VARK is an acronym referring to the four types of learners: Visual, Aural, Read and Write, and Kinesthetic. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS Software version 22 through One-Sample T-Test and Independent-Paired Samples T-Test. The results show that the students prefer using the board and taking notes during the lecture and dislike attending online lectures via Zoom and Google Meet platforms. They also do not prefer recorded PowerPoint lectures uploaded to the Moodle. This is an indication that locking universities and adopting a blended system of teaching due to Covid-19 has affected the process of teaching as well as learning negatively. This study can be considered as a road map for EFL teachers when launching teaching any module since it takes into consideration what the students are interested in, namely class diversity and students’ preferences.

6) Learning Vocabulary through Semantic Mapping Strategy

Journal of Zakho University (القضية : 2) (الحجم : 8)
his paper aimed at studying the effect of semantic map (also known as mind map) on the students' awareness and mastery of new vocabulary on different topics. The study is based on data collected from pre and post-tests administered to a sample of third year students form Dept. of English, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zakho. the study has adopted Gunning strategy (1992) in applying the effect of semantic mapping on students' learning vocabularies. Moreover, to conduct the present study, two tools for data collection were used, namely a test and classroom observation. The data collected were analysed using Software SPSS. Finally, the paper concluded that such strategy had no effect on the students' learning vocabulary.

The Effect of Increasing Students Talking time on University EFL Students’ Comprehension of Pragmatic Concepts

Asian EFL Journal Research (القضية : 3) (الحجم : 27)
he present study aims at assessing some practices for increasing the amount of time allocated to students in EFL classrooms. Recently, increasing the student talking time (hence, STT) has become the attention of lots of teachers and pedagogists. For the purpose of the study, a sample of 32 undergraduate students from the English Department, Faculty of Humanities University of Zakho, was selected to assess their abilities to comprehend some pragmatic topics. Dividing the sample into control and experimental groups, the students enrolled in a class of pragmatics were noticed to have some difficulties in understanding such topics, assuming that these topics were new to them. Finally, they were seen as inactive to participate in classroom activities. That is why; some practices, especially group discussions and presentations by students, were conducted to increase the STT. This was an attempt to make the teaching process be a kind of student-centered. By applying the techniques of group discussions and presentations, the researchers followed the methods of observation and evaluation to discover whether different pragmatic topics and vocabularies related to them could be identified and understood easily. In conducting an independent t-test and multiple comparison correlations by SPSS, the results showed that the mean difference was slightly significant in favor of increasing the STT. This means that the STT practices were found to have an observed effect on the comprehension of some pragmatic topics especially presuppositions, the Co-operative Principle, deixis, and reference.

5) Multiple Intelligences - Based Planning of EFL Classes

Advances in Language and Literary Studies (القضية : 2) (الحجم : 9)
The present study aimed to set a plan for teaching EFL classes based on the identification of university students’ dominant multiple intelligences in EFL classes, and the differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender. The problem the present study aimed to address is that the traditional concept that “one size fits all” is still adopted by many EFL teachers, and that EFL students’ differences and preferences are noticeably unheeded. It is believed that identifying students’ dominant intelligences is a sound remedial solution for such a problem before embarking on any teaching program. Moreover, getting students aware of their different types of intelligence will motivate and encourage them in the classroom. The researchers used a questionnaire as a research instrument for data collection. The results arrived at showed that there were no significant differences in the types of intelligence between female and male students in terms of their gender, except for bodily- kinesthetic intelligence. They also showed that the dominant intelligences were ranked from the highest to the lowest as follows interpersonal, linguistic, spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, musical, and naturalistic.

4) A Multiple Intelligences-Based Teaching of English at University Level

American Journal of Educational Research (القضية : 13) (الحجم : 4)
Multiple Intelligences Theory has attracted the attention of educators around the world for its great role in the field of education and other fields since 1980s. So teachers of English have applied the philosophy of such a theory in their classes at different levels for the sake of enhancing their students' learning and providing them with better learning environments. The importance of the present study lies in the fact that it is the first time to apply this theory in the context of Kurdistan universities/ Iraq. It is also important for both teachers teaching English as a foreign language and students learning English as a foreign language. Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory, the present study among other things aimed at teaching English grammar to undergraduate university students learning English a foreign language at the Department of English/ Faculty of Humanities/ University of Zakho/ Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The problem diagnosed by the researcher is that when teaching grammar to students, it is not related to other aspects of language especially writing., which made students face difficulties when writing essays due to the poor grammar they use, which in turn affects their messages they want to convey to their audience. To conduct the present study, the researcher has adopted an experimental research design for identifying the effect of Multiple Intelligences Theory on learners' achievement. 34 students (4 th year, 13 males and 21 females) were chosen to participate in this experimental teaching program. Before starting the course, a pretest was administered to the students. Then, they were divided into two groups: control group which will be taught according to the curriculum prescribed by the Dept. and experimental group which will be taught according to Multiple Intelligences Theory. Each group consisted of 17 students. After 12 weeks of teaching both groups, a posttest was administered to the same groups After that, the scores obtained by both groups were analyzed using SPSS software. Two statistical analysis tools were used : independent t-test and paired samples t-test to test the null hypothesis against the data analyzed. Based on the results gained on posttest, the null hypothesis was rejected due to the significant difference in the mean scores at the level of 0.05.

3) The Use of Euphemism and Dysphemism in Northen Kurmanji

Journal of Duhok University (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 17)
The present study aims at shedding light on a very important phenomenon in language that is the use of euphemistic and dysphemic words and expressions in everyday communication in Bahdini Dialect especially in Duhok speech community. They are very commonly used by native speakers of BD. The occurrence of such expressions varies from one genre to another and from one situation to another. As a matter of fact, such phenomenon is approached in terms of classifying the different situations in which these expressions are used. Using any term, whether euphemism or dysphemism, depends to a great extent on the type of relation between the addresser and the addressee, age, gender, job, educational background, and social position.

2) The Use of Abbreviations in Northen Kurmanji

Journal of Duhok University (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 15)
Speakers of Northern Kurmanji (NK) especially those who live in Duhok speech community use different types of abbreviations in different fields of life. These include everyday communication, education, internet, computer, medicine, industry, and military, among others. However, the speakers are not aware what type of abbreviations they use. The present study aims at classifying such types of abbreviations linguistically. To carry out this task, different types of abbreviations used in NK are collected from the above mentioned fields to be analyzed. This will hopefully be of great importance to learners of Kurmanji as a first language, non-speakers and teachers of Kurmanji to understand this linguistic phenomenon.

1) A Syntagmatic Study of Idioms in Northern Kurmanji

Journal of Duhok University (القضية : 1) (الحجم : 12)
This paper is an attempt to classify Kurdish idioms syntactically and semantically. On the one hand, it classifies the idioms according to topics, most of which contains parts of body known as body idioms. On the other hand, it states their syntactic classification according to their uses at sentence level and parts of speech.
