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مستويات الحكم الرشيد في الادارات العامة- دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من ممثلي المجتمع في ادارة زاخو

مجلة جامعة السليمانية للدراسات الانسانية B
يتناول البحث احد اهم المواضيع الحيوية في العلوم االدارية ويتمحورحول تشخيص واقع مستويات الحكم الرشيد في االدارات العامة، يعتمد هذا البحث على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، من خالل وصف حالة معينة ليتم بعدها تحليل الظاهرة، ويتضمن البحث تقديما نظريا عن مفهوم الحكم الرشيد ومؤشراته باالستناد الى الطروحات النظرية االكثر اتفاقا على مؤشرات قياسه لتتضمن اربعة مؤشرات:)العدالة والقانون، المشاركة والتوافق، الشفافية، المسائلة، االستجابة(، ويهدف البحث الى التعرف على اهم مؤشرات قياس الحكم الرشيد ومستوى تلك المؤشرات في الواقع الميداني واعتمد البحث على استمارة االستبانة لجمع البيانات عن الجانب الميداني باالستناد الى اراء عينة البحث التي شملت ممثلي المجتمع وتضمنت جميع مختاري المحالت السكنية وعدد من المستثمرين واعضاء البرلمان والمحامين ضمن الحدود االدارية الدارة زاخو المستقلة والتي استحدثت في االونة االخيرة في اقليم كوردستان- العراق، وبلغ عدد افراد العينة )122( فردا استنادا الى عدد االستمارات المرجعة والصالحة للتحليل، وتم االعتماد على االدوات االحصائية منها التكرارات والنسب المئوية والمتوسطات الحسابية واالنحرافات المعيارية، وتوصل البحث الى مجموعة من النتائج منها وجود مؤشرات الحكم الرشيد في ادارة زاخو، وان هناك مستويات عالية من مؤشرات العدالة والقانون والشفافية فضال عن وجود تباين في مستويات المؤشرات، واوصى البحث بضرورة تعزيز المشاركة والتوافق التي حققت مستويات اقل مقارنة بالمؤشرات االخرى في هذا البحث، وقدم مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات للدراسات المستقبلية للجوانب الذي لم يشمله البحث الحالي. الكلمات المفتاحية: الحكم الرشيد، مؤشرات الحكم الرشيد، ادارة زاخو

دور ابعاد القيادة الدبلوماسية في تعزيز الانغراز الوظيفي-دراسة اتطلاعية لاراء عينة من الافراد العاملين في المستشفيات العامة في محافظة دهوك

Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities (Issue : 2) (Volume : 23)
يهدف البحث الى التعرف على ابعاد القيادة الدبلوماسية وتشخيص مستوياتها ومدى تاثيرها في بقاء واستمرار الافراد في وظائفهم والتي تتبلور من خلال دور القيادة الدبلوماسية في الانغراز الوظيفي لدى الكوادر الصحية في القطاع الصحي في محافظة دهوك ، وتستمد اهمية البحث في تناوله لاحدى اهم المفاهيم في حقل السلوك التنظيمي فضلا عن تشخيص مستويات توفر مؤشرات التي تعبر عن النمط الدبلوماسي لدى القيادات الادارية في المستشفيات الحكومية في محافظة دهوك ومستويات الانغراز الوظيفي لدى الافراد فيها. تم صياغة انموذج فرضي لاختبار دور القيادة الدبلوماسية في الانغراز الوظيفي والتي يمكن ان تعزز بقاء الفرد في المنظمة وتضمن ممارسته الانشطة بمستويات عالية من الاداء ولاسيما ضمن اطار المؤسسات الصحية ، اعتمد البحث في الجانب الميداني على الاسلوب الوصفي التحليلي وتعد استمارة الاستبانة الاداة الرئيسة لجمع البيانات الميدانية، وشملت عينة البحث (110) من الكوادر الصحية في المستشفيات العامة، وتم اختبار فرضيات البحث عن علاقة الارتباط والتاثير بين متغيري الدراسة وتم الاستعانة ببرنامج (SPSS V.24) لتحليل علاقات التاثير والارتباط بين القيادة الدبلوماسية والانغراز الوظيفي ، وتوصل البحث الى ان هناك مستويات متوسطة من مؤشرات القيادة الدبلوماسية لدى القيادات الادارية ومستويات متوسطة من الانغراز الوظيفي لدى الافراد في المستشفيات الحكومية في محافظة دهوك وان ابعاد القيادة الدبلوماسية (التعاون والهدف المشترك وتطوير الثقافة) تؤثر في الانغراز الوظيفي ، وان كل من بعدي ( الانفتاح ، التواصل والوضوح) لم تظهر بمعنوية التاثير في الانغراز الوظيفي وقدمت عدة مقترحات بناءاً على تلك الاستنتاجات والتي تتضمن السبل التي تعزز الانغراز الوظيفي لدى الافراد . الكلمات المفتاحية: القيادة الدبلوماسية،ابعاد القيادة الدبلوماسية ، الانغراز الوظيفي ، المستشفيات الحكومية

Servant leadership and its role in achieving job security An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of private universities in the Kurdistan region

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (Issue : 1) (Volume : 10)
The research aims to identify the role of servant leadership in job security. The research problem was represented in the availability of levels of job security among employees in a number of private universities in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq, and dimensions of servant leadership style among administrative leaders in those universities. For the purpose and in order to test the research hypotheses, a sample of the private universities in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq, which are (6) universities, were chosen, and represented the research community with employees in terms of administrators and academics contracting in those universities, and the research sample consisted of (106) individuals who answered the questionnaire about their levels of agreement on the availability of servant leadership dimensions among leaders in their universities, as well as their own answers about the availability of levels of job security. The questionnaire was used as a main tool in collecting data related to the field side.

Level five of leadership and its role in achieving Organizational well-being A field study among academic staff in Duhok province Universities- المستوى الخامس للقيادة ودوره في تحقيق الرفاهية التنظيمية

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (HJUOZ) (Issue : 1) (Volume : 11)
The research aims to present the concept of the fifth level of leadership as one of the most important contemporary orientations in leadership and its role in organizational well-being as an umbrella which cover all positive aspects that create the appropriate climate for performance, success and excellence for the organization. The research depends on the descriptive analytical approach to test the hypothesis of the correlation between the fifth level of leadership among administrative leaders and organizational well-being among respondents, as well as the hypothesis of the fifth level of leadership dimensions on organizational well- being in Universities in Duhok governorate. the sample included (141) of faculty members in these Universities who answered the questionnaire, which was the main tool for data collection. The data were analyzed based on a number of statistical tools, and the research reached results, including the existence of a correlation between the fifth level of leadership And organizational well-being, and that organizational well-being is positively affected by the fifth level of leadership. The research concluded with the need to adopt the dimensions that represent the fifth level of leadership among administrative leaders in universities, as well as recommending some titles for future studies that serve the organizational field. Key words: Leadership, five level of leadership and organizational well-being.

دور المرونة التنظيمية في تطبيق ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية الإلكترونية

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (Issue : 4) (Volume : 10)
يهدف البحث الى التحقق من دور المرونة التنظيمية كمتغير مستقل متمثلة بـابعادها: المرونة الاستراتيجية، المرونة الهيكلية، المرونة التشغيلية في تطبيق ممارسات إدارة الموارد البشرية الإلكترونية كمتغير معتمد متمثلة بابعادها: الأستقطاب والأختيار الإلكتروني، التدريب والتطوير الالكتروني، تقييم الاداء الالكتروني، التعويضات الإلكترونية. وتم اختبار الفرضيات الرئيسة والفرعية المتعلقة بعلاقات الارتباط وعلاقات التأثير بين متغيرات البحث في عدد من الجامعات الخاصة في إقليم كوردستان-العراق. شملت العينة 106 من رؤساء الاقسام ومسؤولي الوحدات الادارية في تلك الجامعات واعتمد البحث على الاستبانة كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات والمعلومات في الجانب الميداني. وتم اعتماد عدد من الاختبارات الاحصائية من حيث المتوسطات الحسابية والانحرافات المعيارية لتشخيص درجة اتفاق العينة على توفر مؤشرات المتعلقة بمتغيرات البحث فضلا عن اعتماد تحليل الارتباط والانحدار للتحقق من علاقة الارتباط والتأثير، وتوصل البحث الى وجود علاقة ارتباط معنوية بين المرونة التنظيمية وممارسات ادارة الموارد البشرية الإلكترونية. ووجود علاقة تأثير معنوية لابعاد المرونة التنظيمية في ممارسات ادارة الموارد البشرية الإلكترونية. واستناداً إلى ما توصل إليه البحث من استنتاجات فقد وضعت مجموعة من المقترحات كان من أهمها ضرورة إهتمام قيادات الجامعية في الجامعات المبحوثة بالتحقق من ابعاد المرونة التنظيمية لدى الوحدات التنظيمية والتي يمكن أن تؤثر ايجاباً في الأداء التنظيمي بالاستناد الى ممارسات ادارة الموارد البشرية الالكترونية.

The Role of Green Human Resources Management in Achieving Organizational Sustainability an Analytical Study of The Opinions of Administrative Leaders In A Sample of Oil and Gas

Eurasian Journalof Management & Social Sciences (Issue : 3) (Volume : 3)
Abstract The aim of the study is to determine the role of Green Human Resources Management through (green recruitment and selection, green training and development, green performance management, green rewards and compensation, green Orientation and green health and safety management) in achieving Organizational Sustainability by its dimension (Economic, Social, Environmental and Ethical) in Oil and Gas producer Companies in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The research problem is to determine many questions about the nature of the correlation and regression between the variables of the research. The main question of the research is to seek information about determining the level of the variables of the current study as well as determining the role of GHRM in achieving organizational sustainability in the field of oil and gas management in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in describing the study’s variables and dimensions and then analyzed the relationship between the independent variable (Green Human Resources Management) and the dependent variable (Organizational Sustainability). The research is being conducted on oil and gas production companies that work in KRG, as well as the oil and gas fields in which production continues and under the authority of the Kurdistan Regional Government become part of the research. Keywords: Green Human Resources Management, Organizational Sustainability, Oil and Gas Producing Companies, Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (HJUOZ) (Issue : 3) (Volume : 9)
The aim of this study is to assess the level of reediness for change among directors and heads of departments in governmental directorates affiliated with the "Zakho Independent Administration". More specifically, the research focuses on measuring and assessing four selected dimensions of readiness for change. These are the following: Appropriateness, Management Support, Self-Efficacy, and Personally Beneficial. For this purpose, one hundred and nine (109) directors and heads of departments were selected randomly from governmental directorates in Zakho. The participants were given a pre-structured questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part was related to the demographic and personal characteristics, while the second part dealt with the change readiness questionnaire using four-dimension model. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse data and achieve research objectives using SPSS (25.0). The results revealed a moderate level of readiness for change, with the mean for the overall change readiness somewhat over the middle of the Five-point Likert scale (3.5 out of 5). Among the four dimensions, Personally Beneficial recorded the highest level. The lowest level, on the other hand, was recorded with Management Support. Finally, the findings also showed that the level of readiness for change did not explain any significant variation based on personal factors.

Authentic Leadership and its implications for Workplace Bullying- An Analytical study of the Opinions of a Sample of Individuals Working in Governmental Hospitals in Dohuk Governorate

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (HJUOZ) (Issue : 3) (Volume : 9)
The research deals with one of the contemporary issues in the organizational field, as authenticity is one of the most important foundations adopted by the leadership that has a positive impact on the subordinates and the organizational performance. The basic idea of ​​this study involves the reflection of the Authentic leadership dimensions of administrative leaders on bullying among individuals in the workplace in the Health sector. It aims to diagnose the dimensions of Authentic leadership and its impact on bullying, specifically in State hospitals in Dohuk Governorate in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq, the research population included individuals working in (10) governmental hospitals, which represent 80% of all governmental hospitals in Duhok city. To test research hypotheses, Questionnairen used as a main tool for collecting primary data. 230 of questionnaires were given to individuals working in the studied hospitals and only (197) valid questionnaires entered the process of data analysis. In order to reach the Research objectives and test its hypotheses, all data were analyzed using the SPSS 23. The study revealed that there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of the Authentic leadership which represented by Self-awareness, Balanced Processing, Internalized Moral Perspective, Relational Transparency and bullying in workplace. Hwoever, Balanced Processing and the Internalized Moral Perspective showed statisticaly significant impact on minimizing bullying in workplace, whereas both self-awareness and Relational transparency have not showon statisticaly significant impact on bullying in workplace. The study concluded with the necessity of more studying the literature by researchers and it need more investigating in future, as well as recommending future studies on developmental orientation.

- Investigate The Availability Of Servant Leadership Characteristics Among The Administrative Leaders In Business Organizations In Dohuk Province And Diagnose Their Role In Achieving Organisational Excellenceدور خصائص القيادة الخادمة في تحقيق التميز المنظمي

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (Issue : 5) (Volume : 2)
The research aims to investigate the availability of Servant leadership characteristics among the administrative leaders in business organizations in Dohuk province and diagnose their role in achieving Organisational excellence. to address this issue theoretical framework has been presented on Servant leadership and Organizational excellence , hypotheses formulated to verify the relationship between the characteristics of Servant leadership and Organizational excellence , in order to verify the hypotheses ,number of fundamental questions within the questionnaire developed , which was the main tool for collecting field data and has answered by form (60) of individuals working in a number of business organizations in the province of Dohuk. Data was analyzed using averages, standard deviations, as well as simple linear regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and the results were extracted using statistical software (SPSS). The study found a number of conclusions the main was the significant correlation between the independent variable (Servant leadership) and Organizational excellence, and the existence of a significant effect of Servant leadership on Organizational Excellence. The study concluded with number of sugestions concerning the organizations under study was the most important need for the administrative leadership work in the surveyed organizations meet the needs of individuals working in the organization so that they can meet the challenges and rapid environmental changes to achieve Organizational excellence.

رأس المال البشـري ودوره في تحقيق متطلبات الريـادة دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من التدريسيين في جامعة زاخو

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (HJUOZ) (Issue : 1) (Volume : 5)
The current study attempts to identify and analyze the role of human capital with its components (knowledge, skills, abilities) in leadership requirements achievement which includes creativity, risk, proactive and independence. To achieve the study objectives, (51) questionnaires have been distributed to the teaching staff of the university of Zakho randomly which comprise 72% of the staff as a whole. Descriptive and analytical statistical methods have been adopted to determine the availability of human capital dimensions and entrepreneuership requirements in the University of Zakho so as to enable the university to play a leading role among other universities. The study has come up with important results and it has depended on these results to make its recommendations and suggestions which they are seen very important the mentioned university.

The Role of Strategic innovation to determine strategic value

Al-Dananeer Journal - The Iraqi Uni. , Economic & Administration College (Issue : 10) (Volume : 1)
The research aims to explore the nature of the link and effect relationship between the dimensions of strategic creativity (strategic creative content, strategic innovation environment, strategic innovation) process and strategic value in the sample of the technical institutes of the Technical University in the province Dhok- Kurdistan region of Iraq, and the individual respondents from (83) of leaders in colleges surveyed, and adopted Find questionnaire consisted of (30) items, was used statistical methods (such as percentages, frequencies, averages, standard deviations, correlation, regression simple line) for data processing, analysis, and access to their results. The research found that there are correlation and significant effect of the dimensions of strategic innovation in strategic value. And concluded that the need for greater attention to the training of individuals working to acquire the necessary skills to make a strategic creativity. key words: strategic innovation, Strategic value

Leadership capabilities and its role on effective commitment, a filed study among some of universities staff in Duhok

journal (Issue : 2) (Volume : 18)
The research aims to investigate the role of leadership capabilities on reinforcing the affective commitment in higher Zakho University , through the interpretations of some of the teaching staff in, which is one of the public universities in Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the key aim is to examine the hypothecs: that the Developing of leadership capabilities in the teaching staff has a role on affective commitment, to ensure their employment in the surveyed university as well as prepare them for future leadership roles. The questionnaire is the main instrument to collect the data, the sample are 91of research community that included teaching staff in university of Zakho . Results showed that the Self- Managed Learning and Formal Leadership Development styles resulting high levels of affective commitment in faculty members, and in the light of these results the research concluded with proposals in a manner that concentrate on the need to focus on leadership capabilities, which would strengthen the commitment. Key words: leadership Self- Managed Learning , Practice- based Learning ,Formal Leadership Development, affective commitment.

دور التحالفات الاستراتيجية في تعزيز التوجه الريادي للمنظمة دراسة ميدانية لعينة من مدراء شركات السفر والطيران في محافظة دهوك

Humanities Journal of University of Zakho (Issue : 2) (Volume : 2)
The research aimed to investigate the concepts of strategic alliances and entrepreneurial orientation as contemporary concepts that appeared due to of the rapid developments and the appearance of the concept of globalization. Particularly, the study focused on investigating the role of strategic alliancesstyles in supportentrepreneurial orientation. A sample contains 31managers of travel agencies working in the Duhok city. Participants were given questionnaire as a main instrument used for collecting data. mean, standard deviation and linier regression analysis were utilized to analyse the collected data. The results show that all types of strategic alliances play a significant role in supporting entrepreneurial orientation. Overall, it is recommended that firms should pay a great attention to all types of strategic alliances which could consequently affect their entrepreneurial position.

The role of some individual & employment characteristics to identify the emotional intelligence levels

Journal of Duhok University (Issue : 1) (Volume : 11)
The Study deals with three important concept which are ; Charismatic Leadership ,Organizational trust and Knowledge wor. The study aims to characterizing the levels of these three concepts in Educating environment of the University and the nature of the relationships and their effects. Three Universities have been chosen in Kurdistan Region as field study which are Universities of Duhok, Salahadin and Suleimania. The research sample comprises (92) heads of departments who work in the colleges that belong to these Universities. The questionnaire was the main method to collect the data which includes four parts and the head of departmentsas sample are asked to give their opinion regarding the Charismatic characteristics of the Deans, The levels of the Organizational trust and the Knowledge work in the colleges in which they work and the Demoghrafic information about them. By using several statistical methods the test of the research model has been done with its hypothesis which are related totally to the Exist of significant relationships between the three main research variables (Charismatic leadership, Organizational trust, Knowledge work). The most important results of the research represent the exist of high levels of the Organizational trust in the universities where the study has been done which are trust in leadership, trust in colleagues and trust in systems and policies and also high levels of the Knowledge work, represented by (applying and sharing the Knowledge), and frequent levels of the Charismatic characteristics which are (Strategic vision, Personal risk , Sensitivity to the environment, Sensitivity to the member needs and Unconventional behavior ) .Results also show that there are significant positive relationships between most of the main and secondary research variables . The study concluded that it is necessary for the leadership in the Universities to have the characteristics which may support Organizational trust and encourage the Knowledge work and it is necessary to take all the required procedures for this purpose. . the study frame includes four chapters; the first one deals with are view theory of the main concepts of the research ,while the outline and the previous studies are previewed in chapter two, the third chapter is specified for presenting the research results and discussion and the last chapter the conclusions and recommendations are stated.
