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journal of Duhok university (Issue : 2) (Volume : 26)
Infection of healthcare workers with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (HA-MRSA) occurs by direct contact with infected wounds, through hand contamination from asymptomatic people or medical devices. While Community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) infections arise in healthy non-hospitalized people or in those having medical procedure within the past year. The study was conducted from April 2021 to March 2022 to determine the rates of S. aureus and MRSA isolates, their antibiotic resistance and virulence factors among 712 specimens (308 out-patients and 404 healthcare workers) of Azadi and Bedari hospitals/ Duhok province. Staphylococcus aureus isolated at rates of 28.57% and 16.83%, among outpatients and healthcare workers, respectively. Male outpatients’, and patients with ages of >40-50 years showed higher isolate rate than healthcare worker (46.15% vs 35.38% and 85.71% vs 46.42 %) respectively. CA-MRSA showed higher resistance to beta lactam antibiotics, while HA-MRSA showed higher multidrug resistance. Males of both MRSA types (CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA) carried higher isolate rates than females (38.46% and 15.87%) respectively. The higher rates of CA-MRSA and HC-MRSA isolates were 64.29% and 22.54% at ages of >40-50 and >20-30 years, respectively. PCR analysis detected nuc and mecA genes in 100% of both MRSA types, also, the genes arcA lukS/F-pvl and lukE-lukD were detected at high rates (30.3%, 42.42% and 33.33%), respectively

Prevalence and molecular analysis of virulence genes of Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus colonized among inpatients in hospitals of Duhok Province, Iraq

Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity (Issue : 780) (Volume : 7)
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is considered a serious public health problem. This study aimed to estimate the rate of MRSA among Staphylococcus aureus isolates of inpatients and to determine their susceptibility to antibiotics and some of the virulence genes. The study was conducted from April 2021 to March 2022 and involved specimens from 302 inpatients admitted to Azadi and Bedari teaching hospitals in Duhok province. Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 20.53% (62/302) of the examined specimens with the highest rate (37,50%) from surgical swabs. Antibiotics sensitivity tests showed that all isolates were resistant to penicillin G. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus was detected in 77.42% (48/62) of S. aureus isolates with a higher rate from skin swabs (85.71%). According to gender, a significantly (P<=0.005) higher rate of S. aureus and MRSA isolates was recorded in Males (21.52%). As regards age, ages > 40-50 years showed the highest rate of MRSA isolate (24.62%). Among MRSA, 77.08% (37/48) were multidrug resistant. Molecular analysis revealed the presence of nuc, mecA, pvl and eta genes at rates of 100%, 66.6%, 31.2% and 22.9%, respectively among the analyzed isolates. Keywords: inpatients, MRSA, NUC, MEC A, Panton-Valentine Leucocidin, ET

Seroprevalence and molecular methodology for identification of salmonella typhi at university

plant Archives (Issue : 2020) (Volume : 1)
salmonella typhi and Para typhi A serological diagnosis for 125 university students, including awidal test then a molecular method for 18 isolates salmonella typhi, is result of serological diagnosis and finally the genetic method used to ensure the result.

infection with acute otitis media caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDR) and staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Biochemical cell Arch (Issue : 1) (Volume : 20)
Otitis media define as infection of middle ear that causes inflammation and fluid build up behind the eardrum

Prevalence of staph aureus among univesity

Microbiology research (Issue : 5) (Volume : 4)
Staph aureus in community like university

Evaluation of Eye Drops and Eye lenses contamination

La Prensa Medica Argentina (Issue : 5) (Volume : 106)
Both medical drops and contact lenses can transfer pathogenic bacteria that are potentially dangerous to the eye if they neglect the safety steps that accompany their use. This research aims to assess the contaminants present in the folds of medical drops and on contact lenses to estimate the degree of risk associated with their use. Out of 125 drops used in the research, the percentage of contamination was 36.8%. The bacteria that were found developing on medicinal drops were the following

Incidence of psychrotrophs bacteria with potential public health implications in ice cream sold in Zakho markets

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (Issue : 10) (Volume : 5)
Background: Foodborne illness are caused by the consumption of food that is contaminated with either bacteria or their toxins and the most common causes are psychotropic bacteria which cause major public health problem. The aim was to detect and enumerate pathogenic bacteria in locally made ice cream. Methods: 250 locally made ice cream samples were randomly collected from automatic soft machines and dipping cabinets in the markets of Zakho city over a period of ten months starting in July 2016 to May 2017. All collected samples were transported to the microbiology laboratory. The most probable number methods used for detection and enumeration of pathogenic psychotropic bacteria. Results: In general, both types of ice cream samples were showed heavy contamination with aerobic bacteria. The Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) counts exceeded the standard limits in all samples; the count in dipping cabinets' samples was higher than automatic soft machines samples whereas Coliform count in automatic soft machines samples was higher than dipping cabinets' samples. High incidence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes had been detected in all ice cream samples and the range in samples from automatic soft machines were higher than samples obtained from dipping cabinets.

Recovery of Freeze Injured Pathogenic Bacteria From Packed Ice Cream

Food and Health (Issue : 3) (Volume : 2)
This research was conducted to recovery and enumerates the Froze injured bacteria isolated from different brands of ice cream sold in Zakho–Duhok markets. A total of 100 samples of ice creams with different flavors (plain, Mix chocolate and Mix fruit) were analyzed. All samples showed aerobic mesophilic bacteria count within the standard. The injured Coliforms bacteria were recovered and the count was exceeded the limits in four brands (Chyaw, Amca, Twin and Mufid) while no coliforms bacteria had been detected in other brands (Adlin, PAK and Bernard) which indicate post-treatment contamination from water, and unpasteurized milk. All brand ice cream show recovery of injured Staphylococcus aureus ranged from (10 MPN/g) to (220 MPN/g). The results indicate that the highest contamination was found in Mix chocolate of PAK brand (220 MPN/g), Mix chocolate of Domino brand (210 MPN/g), Mix fruit and Mix chocolate of Mufid brand (201 MPN/g and 200 MPN/g), which indicate the contamination of flavorings and ingredients during production. None of the samples from Adlin, PAK and Bernard brands showed the presence of injured Salmonella spp. while in contrast of Chyaw, Amca, Twin and Mufid brands which showed heavy contamination ranged from (7 MPN/g) to (250 MPN/g), the highest contamination was found in all types of Twin and Mufid brands followed by Amca brand, which indicate post process contamination or contaminated the tank with raw milk. Results show ice cream is unsuitable for consumed and the need of observing the hygienic quality of markets. The presence of injured pathogenic bacteria in commonly

Nasal carriage rates of Staphylococcus aureus and CA-methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus among university students

Int J Microbiol Res (Issue : 4) (Volume : 5)
The treatment of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is challenging because of their high resistance to different antibiotics. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of S. aureus and MRSA nasal carriers among healthy students in Zakho University and to study their resistance pattern to vancomycin. During December 2013 to July 2014, a total of 405 nasal swabs were collected from healthy students and screened for S. aureus. The microorganisms were identified based on morphology and biochemical tests. Then, antibiotic susceptibility to methicillin and vancomycin was determined. The nasal carriage rate of S. aureus and MRSA among participated students were 17.5%(71/405) and 4.2%(17/405), respectively. The highest nasal carriage rate of S. aureus was found in third year students (24.7%, p= 0.04). The nasal carriage rate of S. aureus was more common in males than females (20.6% and 14.8%, respectively, p= 0.14). However, the nasal carriage rate of MRSA was more common in females than males (5% and 3% respectively, p= 0.45). All isolates were sensitive to vancomycin. S. aureus and MRSA nasal carriage rates observed amongst university students were comparable to other studies. The transmission of S. aureus and MRSA colonization, infection, and treatment should be explained to the students in order to prevent the spread and control their infections.

Effects of Cold and Hot Water Extracts of Onion and Ginger on Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Isolated From Urinary Tract Infection

Diyala Journal of Medicine (Issue : 2) (Volume : 8)
Background: An alarming increase in bacterial strains resistant to existing multidrug agents demands a renewed effort to seek agents from alternative system of medicines. In this study, screening of herbal plants like bulbs of red onion and root of ginger was carried out to check the antibacterial ability against multidrug resistant pathogen such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus which isolate from Urine samples and Objective: To study antibacterial activity of medical plant such as allium cepa and ginger to treatment most important infection in the world that is urinary tract infection with fewer side effects Materials and Methods: A prospective study was conducted on 100 UTI infection patients attended the Baquba hospital to Diagnosis urinary tract infection for period between May 2013 to October 2013, the sample take from two gender male and female after that the bacterial isolation take place base on Bergey, secondly collect of herbal plant and preparation of extraction and finally antimicrobial screening done by disc diffusion method. Results: The results showed there were pathogenic bacteria isolated from urine samples is high in the case of female which were 76 cases infected with pathogenic bacteria more than in male which were 24 cases infected with same pathogenic bacteria, two types of bacteria had resistant present also in samples called multi drug resistant included staphylococcus and pseudomonas, second things the results showed also that the cold-water extract of ginger affected both organisms at all concentration at p value< 0.01 same things in the hot water of ginger extract but the different the hot water extract …
